The availability of the customer and technical support that a web hosting company provides can tell you a lot about the services which they offer as well. When you're allowed to use just emails and / or tickets, you have most likely come across a reseller not the web hosting provider. When this is the case, you will probably have to wait for a couple of days to have a problem resolved as the reseller may not be checking their communication on a regular basis or they may have to consult with the actual web hosting company for further help. When the provider offers you various ways of communication with quick response time which are available anytime, they are most likely the top provider, not only a reseller. So you will enjoy timely assistance and quality support as they will have immediate access to the servers where your account will be created. Whatever the problem - technical or sales, it is always much better to be able to contact your hosting company directly by using your preferred way of communication.
24/7 Customer Support in Web Hosting
The customer and technical support services for our web hosting packages are round-the-clock, therefore you can forget about waiting for a few days to get assistance. In case you are not our client yet, you can phone us, chat with a representative or send an email message. In case you do have an account, you can open a support ticket in addition to the other three options for communication. You can select the most suitable way to contact us depending on where you are or what equipment you use. We can help you for almost any hosting-related query that you may have or problem that you could experience and even if you contact us during the weekend or on official holidays, we will be available 24/7. For more technical or time-consuming issues you may open a support ticket, but even in such a case the maximum response time will never exceed one hour.