One-Hour Response Guarantee
Understand much more about the 1-hour response time guarantee and how you, as a client, may benefit from it.
If you ever have any inquiries with regards to your web hosting package or you face a problem with your websites, you will need to contact the respective web hosting provider’s client support team. It may not make a difference how soon they will reply if you have a question of a general nature, but a problem such as a failed application update, for instance, may lead to your site becoming broken or unreachable on the Internet. And the longer you have to wait for the support team to lend you a hand, the longer the website will be offline. In case you offer services or goods online, any outage will influence your site negatively and you can lose existing or potential clients. Many web hosting providers, primarily resellers, answer trouble tickets and emails within 24 hours, but in the Internet space this is far too long, as customers will scarcely ever return to a website that’s not functioning correctly over lengthy spans of time.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Web Hosting
web hosting come bundled with a 60-minute reply time guarantee, which implies that no matter what inquiry or predicament you may have, we will always be there to lend a hand. Actually, it seldom takes more than half an hour to get an issue sorted out or an enquiry answered, and this is valid for both technical and pre-sales matters. Our help desk support team reps will be at your disposal 24/7, even on legal holidays and weekends, which implies that you’ll obtain quick support anytime you need it. We understand precisely how precious time can be, so by the time we answer your email or ticket, we will have enquired into the issue and, in case we haven’t resolved it, we will provide you with more information about what you have to do on your end, when the circumstances demand it. With our support service, you can rest assured that there will be someone to help you momentarily, regardless of what time it is.